Essay Questions

Characteristics of Essay Questions

Essay questions are used to assess student knowledge of the subject content and writing ability. The question is followed by a text box. Well written essay questions require students to compose a response. Students use multiple sentences when responding to an essay question. The responses are then interrupted and manually scored by a subject-matter expert.

Types of Essay Questions

Extended Response Questions

This type of essay question allows a student to determine the content of the answer. Essay questions examine the student’s ability to organize, synthesize, and evaluate to compose a response. One essay question topic could be, “How I Spent My Holiday Break.” This type of question works well to judge writing skills, but does not necessarily have a right or wrong answer.

Restricted Response Questions

This type of essay question is limited in terms of content and structure. For instance, you could ask, “Tell me about a time in your life where you struggled to cope with the death of a family member.” This type of question would restrict the writer to a limited time and scope enabling them to provide sufficient detail on the topic. Restricted response questions are helpful when testing students about content.

Advantages of Essay Questions

Allows students to construct a response to a problem instead of selecting one from a list.

Disadvantages of Essay Questions

Average Response Time

10 - 15 minutes

Canvas Considerations

Constructing Essay Questions

Good Example of an Essay Question

Explain in what way a person’s failure to apply the smoking cessation step process will impact his or her ability to stop smoking. Provide an example to illustrate your point.

Bad Example of an Essay Question

List all the steps to the smoking cessation process. Please list them in chronological order.

Identifying Flawed Essay Questions

For each item or pair of items, decide what is wrong or which item is better and why. See the answers at the bottom of the page.

1A. Restate the definition of “patriotic” that was learned in class.

1B. Given the fact that patriotism seems to be a major topic in the news, take a position on whether the federal government should develop programs to teach patriotism at the community level. In your explanation, provide both advantages and disadvantages of this type of programming. Would you lead such a program in your community? Why or why not?


Which is the better question? Why is it better?


1B is better than 1A. 1A simply asks for recall of a memorized definition. 1B asks the student take a position on a current event. 1B also requires the student to explain his or her reasoning for taking the stated position.

2A. What are the major advantages of using grounded electrical wiring systems in single family homes?

2B. Your neighbor has decided not to upgrade his antiquated knob-and-tube electrical system to modern standards. Provide an analysis of the risks and benefits of keeping a knob-and-tube wiring system in place versus replacing it with a modern grounded electrical wiring.


Which is the better question? Why is it better?


2B is better than 2A. 2B requires the student to analyze the situation and identify that a grounded electrical system is needed in modern homes. This includes stating that that knob-and-tube systems provide fire hazards due to modern needs for electricity in the home (clothes dryers, etc).

3A. Sporting event security has come under recent scrutiny. Design and explain a hypothetical security plan that could be used at Beaver Stadium to deal with an irate fan during a football game. Be sure to include in your plan how you would get the appropriate personal to the desired location along with the steps you would take to deal with the undesired behavior.

3B. List three ways that sporting event security use to restrain an irate fan.


Which is the better question? Why is it better?


3A is better than 3B. 3A allows the student to be creative in their response and back it using reasoning skills. 3B simply asks for a list of information that can be recalled from memorization.

4A. What is the name of the drug that could be used to reverse the side effects of overdose of narcotics?

4B. You arrive at the home of a 23-year-old patient and find them unconscious. The patient appears to breathing slowly and is partially cyanotic. The patient’s roommate states that they talked to them two hours ago and nothing was wrong. Beside the patient you find an empty bottle of Valium. Describe how you will take to assess the situation and treat the patient as paramedic on scene.


Which is the better question? Why is it better?


4B is better than 4A. 4B presents a scenario to the student requiring them to employ higher order thinking skills to render a decision on how to treat the patient. 4A simply asks the student for the name of the drug used to reverse narcotic overdoses which is called Naloxone (Narcan).

Essay Question References

Cashin, W. E. (1987). Idea Paper No. 17: Improving Essay Tests. Manhattan, KS
Hammer, C. (1986). Writing Better Essay Questions. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 59(7), 298-298. Retrieved March 25, 2016.
Reiner, C. R., Bothell, T. W., Sudweeks, R. R., & Wood, B. (2002). How to prepare effective essay questions: Guidelines for university faculty. BYU Faculty Center, Salt Lake City.
Reiner, C. M., Bothell, T. W., Sudweeks, R. R., & Wood, B. (2002). Preparing effective essay questions. New Forums Press, Stillwater. Retrieved April 21, 2016.
How to Prepare Effective Essay Questions: Guidelines for University Faculty. Retrieved April 21, 2016.