Multiple-choice Questions

A multiple-choice question consists of two parts. The first is a question or incomplete statement called the “stem.” The second is the list of possible responses. Incorrect answers are also known as distractors.

Characteristics of Multiple-choice Questions

Multiple-choice questions:

Advantages of Multiple-choice Questions

Disadvantages of Multiple-choice Questions

Average Response Time

1 minute (high-level questions may take more time).

Constructing Multiple-choice Questions

Question Stem

A multiple-choice question consists of a question stem and two or more responses. The question stem is the first part of the question, and it is what the student will read before reading the possible responses. Incorrect response options are also known as distractors. The following are guidelines for constructing both parts of your multiple-choice questions:

Question Responses

Good Example of a Multiple-choice Question

Question Stem: Which type of test do college admissions offices use most often in reviewing applications?


a. ETS
b. CAT
c. IQ
d. SAT

Bad Example of a Multiple-choice Question

Question stem: Joan is a top-level gymnast on her college team and is anemic. This means that she:


a. Has not yet experienced puberty.
b. Is much shorter than most girls her age.
c. Starves herself.
d. * Lacks enough iron in her blood.

Main Error

There is not necessarily a relationship between being a top-level gymnast and being anemic.

Identifying Flawed Multiple-choice Items

Can you spot flawed multiple-choice questions? Take the Fribbled Breg test below to find out. Mentally choose an answer to a question, then click the Check Answer button directly below that question to check yourself.

The Fribbled Breg Test

  1. Trassig normally occurs when the
    1. dissels frull.
    2. lusp trasses the vom.
    3. belgo lisks easily.
    4. viskal flans, if the viskal is zortil.

  1. The Fribbled Breg will minter best with an
    1. Mors.
    2. Ignu.
    3. Cerst.
    4. Sortar.

  1. What probable causes are indicated when tristal doss occurs in a compots?
    1. The sabs foped and the doths tinzed.
    2. The kredges roted with the rots.
    3. Rakogs were not accepted in the sluth.
    4. Polats were thonced in the sluth.

  1. The primary purpose of the cluss in frumpaling is to
    1. remove cluss-prangs
    2. patch tremalls.
    3. loosen cloughs.
    4. repair plumots.

  1. Why does the sigla frequently overfesk the trelsum?
    1. All siglas are mellious.
    2. Siglas are always votial.
    3. The trelsum is usually tarious.
    4. No trelsa are directly feskable.

  1. The mintering function of the Ignu is most effectively performed in connection with which one of the following minter snacks?
    1. Arazma Tol.
    2. Fribbled Breg.
    3. Groshed Stantol.
    4. Fallied Stantol.

  1. Which of the following is/are always present when trossels are being gruven?
    1. rint and vost
    2. shum and vost
    3. vost and plone
    4. vost

  1. Among the reasons for tristal doss are
    1. the sabs foped and the foths tinzed
    2. the dredges roted with the orots
    3. few racobs were accapted in sluth
    4. most of the polats were thonced

  1. The main reason sabs foped is
    1. the foths tinzed
    2. the dredges roted with the orots while the racobs were accapted in sluth
    3. the trelsum is thonced
    4. the polats were thonced

Why Careful Writing is Important for Quiz Questions

How did you do? Better than expected? If so, that's because you were using test-taking strategies and exploiting weaknesses in the way the questions were written! Here's a list of things to avoid: