Short Answer Questions

Characteristics of Short Answer Questions

Short answer questions generally ask for brief, text-based responses and may also be referred to as fill-in-the-blank; or completion questions.
Variations of the short answer question may request a list of terms or rules in which the order is not important, or may require a numerical or formula response.

Here is some general information about short answer questions:

Advantages of Short Answer Questions

Disadvantages of Short Answer Questions

Average Response Time

1 - 2 minutes

Constructing Short Answer Questions

Short Answer Content

Short Answer Protocol

Good Example of a Short Answer Question

In our class discussion on regression, what two terms were used interchangeably with the term “independent variable”?

Answer: predictor variable and explanatory variable

Bad Example of a Short Answer Question

What does the acronym ENIAC mean?

Answer: Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator

Main Errors

  1. Perhaps knowledge of the exact words is not important.
  2. It's not wise to expect an exact response when "numerical" could be remembered as "numeric" and "calculator" could be remembered as "calculation," etc.

Identifying Flawed Short Answer Items

For each item or pair of items, decide what is wrong or which item is better and why. See the answers at the bottom of the page.

1A. In ten words or less, what is the topic of this course?

1B. What is the title of your textbook?


Which is the better question? Why is it better?

(Please note that this type of question must be manually graded.)


1A is better. 1A is reasonable and expected; 1B is too exact.

2A. What is the name of the cloud formation that can form as high as 50,000 feet?

2B. List two or more clouds that form below 6,000 feet.


Which is the better question? Why is it better?


2B is better. 2A asks for a single answer. 2B could include three cloud formations that form below 6,000 feet.

3A. In our discussion of classical conditioning, what two “responses” form the previous neutral stimulus?

3B. What type of conditioning is associated with conditioned response?


Which is the better question? Why is it better?


3A is better. 3B asks the person to recall only the term classical conditioning. 3B asks the reader to recall the relationship between conditioned response and learned response to the previously neutral stimuli in order to form classical conditioning.

4A. Thinking about electrical wiring, what two terms are used interchangeably to describe an ungrounded conductor?

4B. What does the acronym NFPA stand for?


Which is the better question? Why is it better?


4A is better. 4B requires an exact response, “National Fire Protection Association.” 4A requires the reader to connect the interchangeable terms “hot” and “live wire” with the term undergrounded conductor.